I traveled to Kenya in 2015, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023 and 2024 with For the Good , a Colorado-based organization that partners with remote Maasai communities in southern Kenya to keep girls in school and support their dreams for education. The organization’s core programs focus on enrolling children into primary schools and opening affordable day secondary schools in two rural regions of Kenya: the remote Loita Hills and Naikarra. Previously, only one affordable day secondary school existed across this entire 1000 square-mile region.

For the Good has now partnered with local villages to open six day schools in the area since 2020. They also train and engage a team of 18 young interns – all local, young Maasai women who have earned a minimum of a high school education –– to identify out-of-school children and work with their families to enroll them into over 50 primary schools scattered throughout the region. To date, these interns have enrolled over 2,000 children into primary classrooms since schools reopened in 2021 from COVID-school closures and also opened four new ECD preschools in under-served villages. In 2020, the organization quickly adapted a remote offline learning program to keep nearly 400 children from 17 different schools connected to their lessons.